Have you wanted to access the cost-savings and environmental benefits of solar but figured it was too expensive to do on your own?

Then join your neighbors to support green energy while also saving on your electric bill every month through Community Solar.

Offset your electricity cost with solar energy You do NOT even need a solar array on your roof!

Community Solar

Subscribe to Community Solar

Community solar allows for equal access to the economic and environmental benefits of solar energy generation regardless of the physical attributes or ownership of an individual’s home or business.

In other words, if you can’t install solar directly on your property, community solar can be a good option for accessing the savings and other benefits solar provides.

Get paid to do your part in contributing to New York’s Green Energy Initiative by choosing to start saving today with our community solar partner:

Solstice Benefits

By subscribing to the plan above, you will...

Support the generation of reliable green power

Support the generation of reliable green power.

Save money on your monthly electric bill

Save money on your monthly electric bill.

Help reduce the carbon footprint in your community

Help reduce the carbon footprint in your community.