M&R Energy is updating our website to better inform consumers of the benefits of the deregulated energy markets, competitive rate offers and the expansion of our services.
Since our inception in 2002, M&R Energy has grown from supplying natural gas, to procuring electricity and energy consulting. We have recently been approved to supply electricity, however, we are waiting the final approval by the New York Independent System Operator (NYISO).
The goal of our website is to be “the resource” that aids consumers in making informed energy buying decisions.
We know deregulation benefits the consumer, however, if it is not benefiting your home or business – then, you haven’t spoken to M&R Energy!
Our client’s loyalty and our success has been built on trust, which comes above all else. This has been proven by our customer retention, and the relationships that have lasted and grown over the last 11 years.
Visit our website frequently to witness the changes, and to become an informed consumer.